Rev 3:1-6
1 "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, 'These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.
2 "Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God.
3 "Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.
4 "You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.
5 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
6 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'
This church can be called the dead church. Sardis was about 80 kilometers east of Smyrna. During its days as a Roman city, Sardis became an important Christian center. However the church at Sardis was evidently affected by the complacency of the city and its reliance on past glory. Sardis, was like whitewashed tombs which appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead man's bones. Its thriving healthy appearance masked an inner decay. Even though Caesar worship was not taking place there, the place represented a decadent city of luxury, apathy, and licentious religiosity. Licentiousness means, undisciplined and unrestrained behavior, especially a flagrant disregard of sexual restraints. Its characteristic is outrageous conduct, showing that licentious behavior goes beyond sin to include a disregard for what is right.
Verse 1, You have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. The idea is that by all outward appearances you are alive, you have lots of material wealth, you have a beautiful building, you have no problem with finances and things are relatively easy compared to some of the other locale. There are a lot of religious institutions like that today, easy going, appears successful, big buildings, stained glass windows but no tear stained alters. In spite of all outward appearances they are infested with sin, their deeds are evil and their clothes soiled. Oh the church had a name and a honorable one; everything appeared well to men. There was a form of godliness, but no power; there was a name to live, but no principle of life. There was great deadness of spirit in their services. Their self-righteousness is as filthy rags and the stench of death is despicable in the nostrils of God. To this church that looked so good on the outside but was so corrupt on the inside, there are no words of commendation.
Verse 2, Be watchful, guard against the craftiness of the enemy. They have not done this, therefore the deceitfulness of riches has caused their spiritual death. Repent and strengthen what spiritual life remains. When we fail to watch we loose ground.
"I have not found your works complete before God." It was not that they were not doing works, the place was a beehive of activity performing man's programs. No wonder, they were stressed out; pastors were having breakdowns; no wonder there was no joy in working; it was all void of Holy Spirit control and input. The works were hollow and empty; prayers were not filled up with holy desires; giving not filled up with true charity; church going not filled up with pure devotion to God; and worship that was not in Spirit and truth. Is this not a report of the church today?
Verse 3, The idea here is to keep remembering, what the truth is and how you once accepted it, remember your love for God that you once had; remember the joy of fellowshipping with God in prayer. Get back to the basics of faith and obedience to the word. "Remember and repent; if you don't repent you will not be able to watch, and if you don't watch I will come upon you as a thief in the night. You will be so spirituality insensitive, you will not be able to discern the signs of the times that will let you know that my coming is near. Therefore with the suddenness and unawareness that a thief comes, that is what my coming will be like to you." In 1 Thess. 5:2, we read that the "Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night", and in context, it refers to the unsaved and to those who are in darkness. He goes on to say, "but you, believers, are not in darkness that this day should take you as a thief." There is no room here for a secret rapture of the believer. The Lord teaches exactly the same thing in Matt. 24, where the Lord teaches the parable of the fig tree. When certain things happen to the fig tree you know that summer is getting close. In ancient Israel the fig tree was a sign of approximation, when it was getting tender and putting forth leaves you knew that summer was getting close. It did not tell you the day or the hour that summer would start, it just indicated that summer was close. The Lord says, so likewise when you, (believers) see the things coming to pass that I just told you about, relative to the abomination that maketh desolate, you know that my return is getting close.
Do you know what a parable is? It is translated from the Greek words PARA, meaning along side of, and BOLE, meaning to throw or cast, so PARABOLE, means to throw along side of. Parable, then means to throw along side of something earthly, tangible, visible, something known and to use that as a vehicle to communicate a spiritual truth. It helps you to understand something that is unknown by using something that is known. The Lord said, "Now learn the parable of the fig tree," I am going to throw a fig tree along side, something you can see in the now, to help you understand something you can't see, my second coming. When you see the fig tree become tender and put forth leaves, you know that summer is close, and in like manner when you see the events that I just told you about take place, you know that my return is near. That is all that the Lord is telling us, he is not telling us that the fig tree in the bible represents Israel, that is something that man has conjured up. If that were the case, when Jesus cursed the fig tree he was cursing Israel. If the fig tree is Israel who are the other trees of Luke 21:29? Just as the fig tree and the other trees were a sign of approximation, so will these things be, you will know that my return is getting close but of the day or the hour of my return no one knows. But, believers will not be taken off guard.
The next illustration He uses is Noah. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." How was it in the day of Noah? Men were eating, drinking, marrying and given in marriage. You have heard over pulpits that this text is talking about how sinful it was before the flood. People, what the Lord is talking about is not how wicked it was, how sinful it was or how terrible an age it was in the days before the flood. When He said, "they were eating," there is nothing in that text that suggests they were gluttons. When He said, "they were drinking," there is nothing to suggest that they were intoxicated. When He said the were marrying," is there something wrong with that? When He said, "they were given in marriage," is that inappropriate? There is nothing wrong with the things He says they were doing. Now it was a wicked time but that is not what the Lord is talking about. What He was saying was, Noah was a man that preached righteousness, and for some 90 years or so, he told people to get into the ark, judgment is coming. What did the people do? They ate, drank, married, and were given in marriage, the point is they were totally oblivious to impending divine judgment. Noah preached, "Get in the ark, judgment is coming, get in the ark, get in the ark, get in the ark, judgment is coming," but they totally ignored the warnings, until the flood came and the Lord closed the door. With all the warning they still did not know anything until the floods came and took them all away. Now listen to the point, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Now what was He saying? He was saying, the believers will not be caught off guard. Like the fig tree that tells you summer is getting close, for the believer certain things are going to indicate the Lord's return is near; He is going to give warnings in light of that. In terms of the unsaved world, what is He saying? They are going to be totally oblivious and unprepared to the impending return of the Lord with its consequent divine judgment. That is exactly what Paul said to the Thessalonians, he said that the day will come, for the unsaved, like a thief in the night, they have no idea that it is happening; they are unprepared, they are not watching, if they knew that the thief was coming they would have been watching. But the faithful believer will know the general time period and he will be prepared.
Verse 4, Even in this dead church there are some genuine Christians. I believe we all need to be a little more understanding of churches that fly a different flag than we do. There was a time when I would have said that this church has right doctrine but this one is out to lunch and there is no way anyone can be saved and go to that church. Thank God that He looks at the heart of a man and not at his church denomination. Now I still think there are some churches that adhere to biblical standards and doctrines to a greater degree than others do. I think there are some fellowships that are closer to New Testament Christianity than other fellowships are. I want to tell you that denominational names, or non-denominational names that end up becoming denominations are far from being united in the Spirit. Instead of being united under Christ to win the lost and show forth the love of Jesus, they are fighting with each other over some minor doctrinal difference. But God has His people in the strangest places, now I don't commend some of these people for being where they are, because it is impossible for them to be at their full potential for Christ in that church, but they are still true people of God. I believe also that there will be numbers in what we call bible believing churches, who when put under the search light of God will be found out not to be born again.
There is going to be more and more confusion as we approach the end of the age; who should we listen to; who has sound doctrine; what ministries should I support; what church should I attend. If there is anything we need it is spiritual discernment for this period in history. During this seventieth week the deception is going to be so persuasive that the elect could even be deceived. Our prayer should be for discernment so we can know God's truth and be faithful to God's word.
Verses 5 & 6, we have the promise to overcomers and the admonition to hear what the Spirit is saying.
Rev 3:7-13
7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens":
8 "I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
9 "Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie-- indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
10 "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
11 "Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.
12 "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. And I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.
13 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'
This Church is known as the faithful church. Philadelphia was situated on the Cogamus River and was about 36 kilometers southeast of Sardis. The city was built on a frontier area as a gateway to the central plateau of Asia Minor. This church stood at the gateway of opportunity, being a faithful church God could use her to accomplish His will.
Verse 7, The key of David represents Christ's authority to open the door of invitation into His future kingdom.
Verse 8, After the door is opened, no man can shut it--salvation is secured. Once it is closed, no man can open it--judgment is certain. This church had enough strength because of her dependence upon the Spirit, she was able to keep God's word and not deny His name. This church's walk lined up with its talk and Jesus had only words of commendation for her. If we keep His word the enemy will not prevail.
Verse 9, Assemblies that worship God in spirit and in truth, which is worshiping God from a life of relationship and obedience, are the Israel of God. Assemblies that worship false gods, or the true God in a false manner, are the synagogues of Satan.
Verse 10, Because you have kept my command to persevere, you were faithful during the first three and one half years of the seventieth week, the beginning birth pangs, because you did not compromise in the midst of adversity I will do something for you. I will keep you from the hour of testing and the hour of testing would be the great tribulation that is going to come upon all the earth. What is being said here is, you have given evidence of your faithfulness, you are a pure bride, by not compromising to the false teachers or the false christs, nor giving in to the pressures of the Antichrist, and because of that, "I will keep you from the great tribulation", which begins at the mid-point of Daniel's seventieth week and will be cut short before the end of the seventieth week. Now I don't know how God is going to protect the faithful in the midst of the tribulation, but He says He will. We will look at this verse in more detail after we finish with the last church when we look at the churches as a whole.
Verse 11, "Behold I am coming quickly," I don't see how anyone can read these verses and not see that all of it is on the threshold of His Second Coming. He tells us to hold fast to what we have, now if His return was before the tribulation, He would not have told us to hold fast and not compromise so no one would take our crown.
Verse 12, "He who overcomes, overcomes what? The testing time that is coming, the events that he is going to describe in Revelation preceding His Second Coming. If you overcome, you will be inscribed with the name of God and the name of the city of God. This indicates identification with and possession by God, a spiritual citizenship and a reflection of the character of Christ. What a honor to belong to the faithful church!
We will take a look at the New Jerusalem as we look at the latter chapters of the book.
Verse, 13, In order to be a part of this church we need to hear and heed what the Spirit says to the church.
Rev 3:14-22
14 "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, 'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:
15 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
16 "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
17 "Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked--
18 "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
21 "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
22 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'
This church can be known as the Lukewarm or the Materialistic church. Laodicea was situated about 64 kilometers east of Ephesus on the banks of the river Lycus, a tributary of the Maeander River. During the Roman period this city became extremely wealthy. It was known for its black wool industry; it manufactured garments from the raven-black wool produced by the sheep of the surrounding area.
This church was characterized by people's rights, "I want to do it my way and be free from regulations", kind of like in the days of the Judges when every man did that which was right in his own sight.
Verse 14, "These things says the Amen." The expression "Amen" is a guarantee, it means that whatever is said is true and it refers to the God of truth. Following that are some names attributed to Christ the reason for the Amen.
Verse 15, 16, We have some very strong language used here. You are not cold, you are not hot, you are lukewarm and because of that I am going to vomit you out of my mouth. Have you ever thought about the statement, "I would rather you be cold than lukewarm." Maybe not all of you, but I have wrestled with that wondering what it meant. What does it mean to be a lukewarm church? Is He saying that he would rather the church was cold, which some take to mean not saved thus lost, than to be lukewarm and vomited out of His mouth, which some also take to mean lost as well? I don't think it does.
About 8 kilometers away from Laodicea there were a lot of mineral springs that were very hot and they were good for health purposes. We know that these hot springs flowed a number of miles at which time they became cold and were good for quenching the thirst. So at its source they had some purpose, healing properties, a few miles down stream after it had passed the city they were used to quench thirst. But while passing through the city the water was lukewarm, it wasn't good for health reasons or for quenching thirst, so it was good for nothing. That is the reason He says, "I wish you were either hot," there is some benefit there, or, "I wish you were cold," there is some benefit there, but you are lukewarm, (which means, lacking conviction and the courage to follow God or to rebel against Him,) you are good for nothing. That was the problem with this church, it was good for nothing and a church in that condition turns God's guts, because it is not manifesting the life of Christ.
Verse 17, This church thought it was rich, wealthy and in need of nothing. Self-sufficiency, oh what pride. Materially it was well off, but spiritually it was wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked, oh the uselessness of lukewarmness.
Verse 18, Christ offers them an exchange of material wealth for spiritual wealth so that the shame of their spiritual nakedness might not be revealed and to anoint their eyes with eye salve to give them spiritual sight. Eye salve had a special significance in this city, for in this city there was a medical school that was world renown for an ointment that was used for the eyes. So in the midst of all this eye salve this church needed to have their own eyes taken care of so they could discern spiritual things. The sad thing about churches today and during the seventieth week of Daniel is that they are not even aware that they need spiritual eye salve so they can understand the end times. They see from traditional eyes, or denominational eyes which prevents them from seeing things as God sees them. Try to talk to some people in the mainline churches, they are so spiritually insensitive they don't even understand the issues and if you even question their pet doctrines they get very upset with you. Their seeing is hindered because they are viewing with denominational glasses that only provides for tunnel vision, it is time the eye salve be applied, so we can throw away the denominational glasses.
Verse 19, God's love is still unconditional, and because of His love He rebukes and admonishes them to repent, all God wants is true repentance.
Verse 20, This is one verse that most preachers use totally out of context. This verse is not for sinners, now if you want to use it in that respect then go ahead. This verse applies to Christians, those who are crippled by tradition, man made doctrines, and tunnel vision denominational specs. Listen, I am on the outside knocking, if you will open the door, open your closed mind and throw away your tunnel vision glasses, and open your spiritual ears so you can hear my voice, I will come in and sup with you and you with me. That word sup does not mean a hasty meal, it means to have intimate fellowship, why would anyone want to forfeit that experience, yet many Christians do.
Verse 21, Here again is the promise to overcomers. One common warning to all seven churches is be an overcomer, be an overcomer, be an overcomer. He is talking to the church in the last decade of the twentieth century about being an overcomer in light of what is coming upon this world. Verse 22, is the admonition to hear what the Spirit is saying, not only hear it but also heed it.
What I would like to do before we get into chapter 4, is to group these seven churches into three basic types, which are representative of all seven churches, and especially representative of the churches (and the individuals she represents) which will face the last days. These three basic types can be thought of as a three-part continuum, with the faithful church (Philadelphia) at one end, the dead church (Sardis) at the other end, and the compromising church (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, and Laodicea) representing varying degrees of compromise, in the middle.
The seven churches do not represent stages in church history, but rather depict historical New Testament churches that exemplify various characteristics found in churches during all periods of history, and will particularly characterize the condition of the churches in the final days.
Now some of this will be repetitive, but I think it will help you understand what is being taught here more clearly.
The Faithful Church
The church at Philadelphia was a spiritual jewel among all the seven churches. The letter to this church contains several admonitions but no warnings or rebukes. The Lord begins His commendation by saying, "I know your deeds. Behold I have put before you an open door which no one can shut. Because you have little power and have kept my word, and have not denied my name. Behold,...I have loved you" (Rev. 3:8,9).
Christ continued to encourage those believers with the promise: "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell upon the earth" (3:10). Later in the book we learn the true meaning of perseverance. John said in Rev. 14:9-12, "Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
Christ goes on to tell the faithful overcomers that because of their perseverance, He "will keep [them] from the hour of testing" (Rev. 3:10). "Keep" is translated from the Greek word TEREO, which is from TEROS, meaning, to set a watch, to guard from a loss or injury by keeping an eye upon, preserve. So the basic idea is protection within a sphere of danger. "From" has the basic meaning of deliverance out from, or out from within. In other words, taking the original Greek in its most accurate meaning, God promises faithful churches that He will guard them while they are within this particular sphere of danger, in the context of "the hour of testing," promising them eventual safe deliverance "out from within" this danger.
What is this sphere of danger that the faithful church (obedient believers) are promised protection from? Most scholars of prophecy agree that "the hour of testing" can only refer to the great tribulation--the unparalleled affliction that the Antichrist will unleash against those who refuse his mark. According to "Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary" it is defined as, "A short but intense period of distress and suffering at the end of time. The great tribulation is to be distinguished from the general tribulation a believer faces in the world. It is also to be distinguished from Gods specific wrath upon the unbelieving world at the end of the age! It will be a time of evil from false christs and false prophets when natural disasters will occur throughout the world." This hour of testing will end when Christ cuts the great tribulation short at His second coming (Matt. 24:22).
Therefore, because of her perseverance--that is, her faithfulness to Christ by not denying His name by either worshiping the beast or its image or taking the mark of the beast--the faithful church is promised God's protection during the great tribulation.
At the end of this letter, we find this warning: "I [Christ] am coming quickly; hold fast to what you have..."(3:11). Because the book of Revelation was written more than a half century after the first coming of Christ, that reference can only be to His second coming. Revelation thus clearly gives "the churches" to which it was written the necessary language to understand that Christ's message to the church at Philadelphia was a near/far prophecy. The near term deals with the historical church that existed when the book was written but which disappeared not long afterward. The far term deals with the faithful churches (or faithful Christians) that will encounter the end-time events revealed in the chapters of Revelation that immediately follow.
What are the main characteristics we see in the faithful church and its experience during the end times? First, we see that the faithful church will persevere, will keep Christ's word and will not deny the name of Christ--in other words, she does not take the mark of the beast or worship his image. Second, because of her faithfulness she receives the promise that He will keep and protect her within the spheres of danger and when he returns to "cut short" those days and pour out His holy wrath on unrighteousness, He will take them out of it. Third, they will be given a place of great honor and have intimate fellowship with God in His eternal Kingdom (Rev. 3:11,12).
Sardis--The dead Church
When we turn to the dead church of Sardis, we see that not even the few genuine believers in this dead church in general are given any assurance of protection. Christ's letter to that church is in marked contrast to the one sent to Philadelphia. He had nothing but words of commendation for the members at Philadelphia, but almost none for those at Sardis.
The Lord told them, "You have a name that you are alive, but you are dead" (3:1) --that is, spiritually dead. They are the tares (counterfeit believers) who will have been sown in among the wheat (true believers) and will exist side by side with the wheat (in the church in general) until God's time of harvest. Because they will have knowledge of the true gospel, Christ admonishes them, "Remember therefore what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent" (v. 3). But their spiritual lifelessness will prevent them from truly hearing spiritual truth. The Lord then adds a severe warning, "If therefore you will not wake up"--that is, repent and receive Him as Savior and Lord, "I will come like a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you". So the warning is to wake up or face condemnation. This again is in the context of His second coming, indicating that the warning also applies to the church at large in the end times.
The unbelieving members of (or represented by) The Sardis church will suffer the judgmental destruction of God's fury that will shortly follow, when God's day-of-the-Lord wrath is unleashed upon the unbelieving world at His second coming. During the last days they will be blind to the imminence of the day of the Lord, which will therefore come upon them "just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Thess. 5:2,3; 2 Peter 3:10).
The characteristics and experiences of the spiritually dead church (or spiritually dead individuals--the tares as it were) stand in sharp contrast to the perseverance of the faithful. First, the spiritually dead will be oblivious to the consequences of worshipping Antichrist, or his image and of taking his mark. Many will do so without hesitation, still thinking themselves to be "good Christians," conforming to the world for the sake of survival instead of trusting in Christ. But, second, the consequences of this will be disastrous. When God's wrath is poured out on the satanic world kingdom ruled by Antichrist, it will come upon the unregenerate members "like a thief in the night." Thus the end of the spiritually dead stands in tragic contrast to the faithful, who are promised God's protection during the hour of testing and safe deliverance out from within that hour just before the awesome day of the Lord.
Thyatira--The Compromising Church
But what of the compromising church --the church (or compromising Christians) that are not spiritually dead but is less than spiritually faithful--believers alive in Christ but not living in His will, those who best characterize the decaying church at large just before the end times begin?
This was the condition of the church in Thyatira. Many believers in that church genuinely sought to be faithful and active in the things of the Lord. Christ highly commended them, saying, "I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance" (Rev. 2:19). Many believers obviously were growing spiritually, and he Lord continued His praise by acknowledging that "their deeds of late were greater than at first," but the church was also a compromising church.
Like many evangelical, conservative churches throughout history, compromising churches today are not careful about what is being taught the flocks--instead preferring teachers who rationalize, allegorize, spiritualize, culturalize or semiticize Scripture, anything but taking it for what it says at face value. Jesus therefore goes on to say, "I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads my bond-servants astray, so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols" (Rev. 2:20).
The tragic revelation of this verse is that false teachers in the church were corrupting the gospel and causing many true believers, Christ's "bond-servants," to stray from right belief and right living. In the far-term Jezebel represents false teachers who were dedicated to undermining the work of God and corrupting the people of God. There is a lesson for believers of every age to learn, most especially those in the end times. The lesson is that true salvation is not in itself a protection against false doctrine. The believers who are not regularly in God's word and continually seeking the guidance the strength of the Holy Spirit is easy prey for those who teach falsehood under the guise of Christianity.
Satan the great deceiver, deceives with half-truths, often using scripture out of context as he did with Jesus in the wilderness temptations (Matt. 4:1-11). If he believed that strategy would work with Jesus, he surely will use it against the followers of Christ, including those in the last days that will be facing great danger and will therefore be more vulnerable to deception and confusion. The Christian who believes biblical prophecies concerning the last days can only be understood allegorically, or that prophecy is in any way less than factual, will be easy prey for Satan's craftiness. The same will be true for those who have been taught that these passages are to be taken literally but that they have no direct application to them--because they are trusting in the false assurance that they will be ruptured away before those events occur. Once these Christians discover their great folly, it will be too late to avoid the full brunt of Antichrist's persecution. True believers in the compromising church will not lose their salvation, but they will endure immeasurable persecution and suffering, from which faithfulness to their Lord and to His Word would have otherwise protected them. Thus, genuine believers in compromising churches will experience what our Lord described in the Olivet Discourse as the "great tribulation" (Matt. 24:21).
It is within the context of the great tribulation by Antichrist that Christ warns both the compromising church and the compromising Christians who enter the seventieth week, "Behold I will cast her [the false teachers] upon a "bed of sickness," and those who commit [spiritual] adultery with her into "great tribulation" , unless they repent of her deeds" (Rev. 2:22). Christ reveals that two things will happen to those who compromise in the last days. First, The false teachers will be cast upon a bed of sickness, because of their corruption of Christ's "bond-servants." Second, the true but less than faithful believers who have committed spiritual adultery by following those false teachers will suffer "great tribulation, unless they repent." Although they will not forfeit their salvation, they will be subject to the greatest persecutions of all times, the great tribulation.
It is especially important to note here that the church definitely will still be on earth during the great tribulation by Antichrist, contrary to what many believe. This is shown clearly in (Rev. 2:22) when Christ speaks first of the "great tribulation" that the compromising church will experience and then in (v.23) says that "all the churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts." In other words, "all the churches" will be present during and will know of the "great tribulation" (v.22) of compromising Christians at the hands of Antichrist and his ungodly forces; and "all the churches" will then realize who God is, the One, "who searches the minds and hearts" (v.23), as they witness first hand what is happening.
God is going to find out who your allegiance is to, not because He doesn't know Himself because God knows everything, but, so you will know what you are made of, so you will have no excuse at the judgment that He hands out. Compromising church, you will be thrown in the midst of the testing to be purified and if you are His it may cost you your physical life and if your are not, it will not only cost you your physical life but your spiritual life as well.
So this is a warning to the compromising preachers and teachers who teach fables of men rather than doctrines of God and tell their people not to be concerned about it because we won't be there. That is why the warning at the end of the book of Revelation is the most severe of all. It says, that the person who adds to the words of this book, God will add to Him the plagues that are written in this book, and if any man takes away from the words of the book, God will take away his part from the book of life!
Finally, Christ's message to the church at Thyatira again clearly applies to the last days because of His unqualified promise to return and take them unto Himself: "Nevertheless, what you have, hold fast until I come" (2:25) --which corresponds perfectly to the second coming references He makes in His letter to Sardis (3:3) and Philadelphia (3:11). All these churches were cautioned about the coming of Christ, and for that reason it is clear that the message to all three types of churches--the faithful, the dead and the compromising church--are relevant to the end times.
The compromising churches that enter the last days will be spared God's day-of-the-Lord wrath (Rom. 5:9, 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9), but not the persecution by Antichrist during his great tribulation of God's elect. They will experience this persecution because they will believe what they have been falsely taught, without testing the words of men against the Word of God. Before Christ terminates the affliction by Antichrist on the compromising, He will sovereignly and lovingly use that affliction to cleanse and purify those Christians, "to make [them] stand in the presence of His glory blameless" (Jude 24). It is for this very reason that Peter admonishes those looking for the day of the Lord, "Since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless" (2 Peter 3:14). God's holiness demands that Christ's bride be made worthy by being holy and pure. Thus Paul chastised the Corinthian church because, he said, "I am jealous for you with a godly jealously; for I betrothed you to one husband, that to Christ I might present you a pure virgin" (2 Cor. 11:2).
Likewise Paul states in his first letter to the Corinthians that because they had been enriched in everything by Christ, who was confirmed in them, they should therefore be "awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 1:7,8). How much more should this admonition apply to the many compromising Christians who will enter the end times!
Again we see the contrast between the compromising and faithful Christians (and/or churches). Those whose lives reflect the compromising church, the typical church of the last days, will be tested and cleansed before she will be ready to assume the role of Christ's bride. It is not a question of their needing forgiveness of sin, which they received at the moment of salvation, but of freedom from their willing submission to sin's continuing influence and power. On the other hand, believers who are spiritually prepared (the faithful church) will not only be ready for Christ to come and rescue them, they will also be spiritually prepared for Antichrist's coming to torment and torture those on the earth. The faithful Christians will be protected from Antichrist and his attacks with the exception of those Christians who voluntarily waive that protection and risk their lives to win others to Christ before the time of salvation is passed (see Matt. 10:16-23; Rev. 6:9).
From Christ's references to His second coming to the churches , we learn three truths about the church in general that will enter the last days: (1) Faithful churches (Christians) will be offered God's protection within a sphere of danger --that is, protection during the great tribulation by Antichrist, throughout which he will attempt to kill all those who do not worship the beast, Antichrist, or his image. As we saw earlier, they will be delivered out from within the great tribulation just before the day of the Lord's wrath descends upon the unrighteous. (2) On the other hand those who are spiritually dead are told that if they do not repent and turn to Christ, they will lose all opportunity for salvation and will endure the full wrath of His day-of-the-Lord judgment, which will come upon them like a "thief in the night." (3) Genuine but unfaithful believers who represent the compromising church, however, are told that they will face the full brunt of the great tribulation by Antichrist as a testimony to all the churches that Christ is the one and only true Lord who searches the hearts and minds of men, the one who rewards or punishes with perfect justice and righteousness, as He permits the persecution of Antichrist to purify and prepare His bride to stand pure and blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When we take these truths seriously and literally as God intended, it should wake up all who comprise spiritually dead and compromising churches. Yet for this very reason, these truths are just as much evidence of God's grace, as God forewarns His own through His word to understand and be prepared for the terrible events to come.
In God's dealing with Sodom and Gomorrah we see this same principle and its relevance for the end times. Just before the complete and terrible destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, an event yet unknown to Abraham, the Lord said to the angles who were visiting the patriarch, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do..." According to (Gen. 18:17-19) the warning of the impending disaster upon Sodom and Gomorrah--and the reason for it--was given to Abraham not only for his own sake but also for the sake of those of "his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice."
Just as the destruction of these two cities is used as an example of the terrible day of the Lord that will someday cut short the great tribulation by Antichrist, so God has carefully chosen to warn His elect church of that impending doom, "in order that [we] may command [our] children and [our] household after [us] to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice."
It is for this reason that Christians are cautioned, over and over, to live godly lives, looking for the return of Christ. As Peter writes:
"Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat. But according to His promise we are looking for a new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless.... You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." (2 Pet. 3:11-14, 17, 18).
Peter's challenge to the believers could not be clearer. All believers are to look for the day of the Lord. All believers are to be "holy [in] conduct and godliness"; "diligent...spotless and blameless"; "on your guard"; "grow[ing] in the grace and knowledge of the Lord." And to the extent that the believer falls short of this admonition, he will be unprepared for the events to come.
In the Olivet Discourse, Christ gives His people the same admonition to watch for the signs of His coming in order not to be surprised and unprepared: "Now learn the parable of the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near, right at the door" (Matt. 24:32,33). The last comment of Christ in His Olivet Discourse, recorded in (Luke 21:36), sums it all up: "Watch ye therefore and pray always, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man".
What can we conclude from the letters to these churches? #1. What we believe about the end times is of vital importance to the church today and especially to the ones who will enter the seventieth week of Daniel. #2.T o the degree to which the genuine Christian is prepared, he will either have the protection of God during the great persecution by Antichrist, or will experience the full brunt of the Antichrist's fury in his attempt to kill all who will not bow down to him. #3. We can indeed be prepared! God has graciously given us His Word to warn us, to instruct us, and to prepare us for the momentous events of the end times.
Now, those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture will tell you that there is a seven-year tribulation period. I want to inform you that nowhere in the bible is the seventieth week of Daniel ever referred to as the tribulation period. There is not even one instance in scripture that remotely suggests such a thing. Yet, you must understand that there are men who have coined that term and designated it to describe that seven-year period. There simply is no biblical text to indicate that, and furthermore there is no biblical text to indicate that the great tribulation is three and one half years in duration. Now the bible does refer to the great tribulation several times. What the bible does say is that the great tribulation starts at the midpoint of the seventieth week, but there is no biblical basis to say that it runs to the end of the seventieth week. The words of Jesus are that it will be "shortened" before the end of the seventieth week. We will discuss more about that later.
But, speaking from a frame of reference of those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, they say that there is a seven year time span that is known as the tribulation period and they place the rapture of the church immediately before that seven year period commences, thus the term pre-tribulational. They believe that Rev. chapter four and following is inside that last seven year period, therefore if you are to be raptured before that last seven year period commences you have to be raptured by chapter four. So as they believe it, this puts the church outside the seventieth week of Daniel thus, exempt from the events that are described in chapter four and following. You need to understand that so you will better understand some of the things we are going to be saying.
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